Sunday, 20 March 2011

My Birthday

Today was my birthday.
It was brilliant.
I was spoilt rotten.

The older I get, the better my birthdays are.
In the past they were recognised, but not special.
Since being with Ralph, he makes every day special.
But birthdays are Extra Special.

I am a Very Lucky Lady.


  1. Happy birthday and wishes for a wonderful and healthy year! We are lucky, too, to be your friends.

  2. So glad he spoiled you Sheilagh. I KNEW he would. He is too sweet not to! Love you! xxoo

  3. Belated.. Happy Birthday wishes from me too ♥

    Hope you had a lovely day. Wishing you both lots of love & happiness what a lovely photograph you both look so happy :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog & for your kind words. Hugs Gez.xx

  4. Happy BD to you!!!
    Love ya!
